Three essential components must be installed on your computer system to generate and operate PHP Web pages.
Web Server PHP is compatible with practically every Web Server software, including Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS). However, the Apache Server is the most commonly used. Here’s where you can get Apache for free:
PHP can interact with almost any database software, including Oracle and Sybase, but the open-source MySQL database is the most popular. MySQL may be downloaded for free at
A parser must be installed to read PHP script instructions and create HTML output that can be transmitted to a Web browser. This article will show you how to download and install the PHP parser on your PC.
Installing the PHP Parser
Before you begin, make sure you have an appropriate environment set up on your PC for developing PHP web projects.
In the address bar of your browser, type the following address.
If this displays a page with information about your PHP installation, you have PHP and Webserver installed correctly. Otherwise, you must install PHP on your computer using the instructions provided.
This section will walk you through installing and configuring PHP on the four platforms listed below.
PHP installation with Apache on Linux or Unix
Apache and PHP Installation on Mac OS X
PHP installation with IIS on Windows NT/2000/XP
PHP Installation with Apache on Windows NT/2000/XP
Configuration of Apache
This section will show you how to change Apache Configuration Files using Apache as a Web Server.
Check out the PHP Configuration on the Apache Server page for further information.
Configuration of the PHP.INI file
The php.ini configuration file is the ultimate and most direct means to change PHP’s behaviour.
Check out the PHP.INI File Configuration page for further information.
Configuration of Windows IIS
You may use the IIS Reference Manual that came with IIS to configure IIS on your Windows system.
Getting Away with PHP
The PHP parsing engine requires a means to distinguish PHP code from other page components. ‘Escape to PHP’ is the method used to do this. There are four options for accomplishing this.
Canonical PHP tags
The most often used PHP tag style is the.
You may be confident that your tags will always be appropriately understood if you adopt this style.
Tags with a short open time (SGML style)
This is what short, or short-open tags look like.
As one may imagine, short tags are the most straightforward choice. To enable PHP to identify the tags, you must perform one of two things:
When developing PHP, use the —enable-short-tags configuration option.
In your php.ini file, turn on the short open tag setting. Because XML tags have the same syntax as HTML tags, this option must be disabled to parse XML with PHP.
Tags in the ASP style
Active Server Pages uses tags to demarcate code blocks, and ASP-style tags are similar. Titles in the ASP style look like this:
You must set the configuration option in your php.ini file to utilise ASP-style tags.
Tags for scripting in HTML
Script tags in HTML look like this:
“PHP” is the script language.
PHP Code Commenting
A remark is a section of a programme that exists solely for the benefit of the human reader and is removed before the program’s result is shown. In PHP, there are two commenting forms.
Single-line comments are commonly used for brief explanations or observations about the local code. Here are some single-line remark examples.